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B-18 Block B, Sector 70 Noida Sector 7, Noida 201301
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Since 2021
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About us

KAPDEWALA is a direct to consumer (D2C) lifestyle fashion brand founded by Akash Sharma with the goal of providing a line of stylish and quirky t-shirts for everyone. Basically kapdewala is an e-commerce website for printed t-shirts, sweatshirt & hoodies. They also deals in customized t-shirts according to customer needs. They are providing best quality material t-shirts in very affordable prices. If someone is passionate about something, whether it is gaming, traveling, music, biking, eating,

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The contact number for Kapdewala is 9891743832.
Kapdewala is located at B-18 Block B, Sector 70 Noida, Sector 7, Noida 201301
Kapdewala offers Graphic T-shirts, Plain T-Shirts, Womens T-shirts
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